Sunday, June 17, 2012

Uri Wins!

Well we had to declare a winner, despite a disappointing voter turnout. It came down to a two racer contest, as the Big Al political machine failed to mobilize the electorate. Robin lobbied for an 11th-hour addition of Sick What!!! Anthony to the ballot, but the request was denied. We had two J.A.M. fundafarians already.

With his string of recent bad luck (or is it just bad racing?), Mr. Uri pulled in the sympathy vote when I put on my Vice President's hat, cast the tie-breaking vote, and banged me gavel. Congratulations to our victor. We'll try to pull together a prize for presentation very late in the proceedings at the Grand Fundo, right around when the kegs are empty and we're transitioning to Nixon's home brews. To really make it special, I'm calling in favors and paying people off to try to get our winner some face time with cycling media celebrity Big Bikes Thom. All hail Uhalevi, and thanks for reading.

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