Saturday, January 20, 2007

nodcast 4 - cold and weak like late morning java


  1. Love the fact that Kerry is in the background looking extremely bored. Very funny.

    I think you're setting a new trend with your backdrops. First it was the Sox banner, now KL, what's next? Only time will tell.

    Keep it up!

    (and I agree - whodaF rides their bike outside in January in northern New Hampshire?)

  2. Bozos? You referring to Al and me as bozos? Just because we (Al and Wood) believe your bored-cast is the shits, grants no reason to slam us without including Fred. We are a threesome and complete each other.
    By the way Solo, the fucking weather out here in California is killing me too and very tough to train in. Do you have any idea how expensive suntan lotion is? I must apply copious amounts to myself daily to protect me from all those harmful UV rays out here. Got to dig into the piggybank for some help with this financial situation. You should try getting out in the sun on occasion, it does wonder for the personality.
    Nice work Solo, keep it up. I like the eye candy in the background. Keeping coming back to visit the 3bicoastalboys.

  3. SB: Will you move outta the frame? I'm trying to watch the spinning skirt 'stead of the droning drip. You put my nuts to sleep.

  4. Damn...tough crowd.

  5. ouch ouch ouch...

    m'f'n ouch


  6. For the record, I wasn't bored, I was listening to my iPod.

  7. for the record, you were horribly bored and trying not to laugh your ass off--hence the looking down all the time. and, if you're going to be looking down all the time, can you do the boys a favor and wear a lower cut jog bra.

    seriously, you should stuff it next time--the hit counter will go through the freaking roof!

    i wasn't busting on your equipment mr. whoa-is-me. it was the content.

    content is KING.

    but i still love you, you freak.



  8. KL won't let me put up the kind of content you're looking for... Sorry if the humor is over your head. I'll see what I can do. I love you too.


