Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stupid Ranting

Yes, the worst kind of blog entry of all, but since I'm overdue, this is all you get. I'll make it a multipurpose deal, a variety pack of mini-rants.

The wide turn. This is for the four-wheeled vehicle drivers. After a few high-profile incidents of elderly people driving up on the sidewalks and what not, Massachusetts is abuzz with calls to re-test drivers who are over a certain age. It might sound like a good idea, but I'm here to burst your bluehair bubble and inform you that horrible drivers come in all ages. Why is it big news when an old person loses it in a parking lot, when dozens, if not hundreds of younger drivers commit equally dangerous offenses every hour of the day? But the wide turn - when I learned to drive, standard instructions were to make left turns from the left edge of the lane, and right turns from the right. This ain't a criterium. Never mind that if you were waiting to take a left, you weren't supposed to turn your wheels until you were proceeding, so that if you got rear-ended you would not be pushed into the path of the oncoming traffic. Lately, everywhere I go, right turns are taken from the extreme left of the lane. And it's not like these drivers are carrying speed either. I think it's a cell phone/one-handed driving thing, as the goal is to navigate the road with as little steering wheel effort as possible. You get the idea. Don't be a shitty driver.

The link in a new tab/window. This applies to a bunch of you. If your links open in a new tab, fix the fucking things. It's not 1997 anymore. If I want a new tab, then I'll do that myself. Are you paranoid that I'll leave your crappy site and not come back?

Aerobars and a baggy t-shirt. Actually I shouldn't rant about this. Keep on doing it. Obviously I need to be amused. Thanks for reading.

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