Saturday, April 22, 2006

shutdown -h now

This has been a rough week. My body is displaying all the classic symptoms of overtraining: rapid weight loss, appetite loss, HR won't elevate, tired, yet totally unable to sleep. The only symptom I don't seem to have is a recent history of heavy training. Who knows, maybe it is just age, or maybe the race last week and the running workouts were harder than I thought. This past week, some of the assholes of the world were making my life their toilet, so maybe that is part of it too. After the races, maybe a break is in order. For now, 72 hours away from a computer screen sounds pretty good too. Uptime is only 60 days, but I think I'll power down. Happy Earth Day!

1 comment:

  1. From what I hear you did pretty good in the race. 9th I believe? So much for the overtraining theory :P
