Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Don't fear the rest day - part 1

This is not a real post. It is just an idea for a post. I don't have time to write it. I'll get around to it sooner or later, but this one deserves some thought. Here is the outline: 1) don't be afraid to rest. 2) don't train when you are hurt. 3) runners especially, go back and read number 2. 4) don't be obsessive/compulsive about training (see numbers 2 and 3). 5) Getting faster is not just about training more. If you like to train, or just ride (which doesn't have to be "training") that is fine, but there is more to getting fast than that. 6) Even if you succeed in getting "fast," don't expect to always have it. We are seasonal creatures. Everything is seasonal. I think it has to do with the Earth revolving around the sun. Get used to it.

Murat has posted a new video from Ninigret. The first 8 minutes he is off the front solo, but at least you can get a look at the entire course, just like an F1 broadcast. Near the end of the video you can see some pretty cool action. There are four BOB guys in this race. I am the skinniest one, the one who looks comfy and at ease on his bike. You don't see much of me though. If you ever wondered what it's like to ride in a criterium on a course made out of an old B52 runway, well here you go. Twenty precious minutes of your life and a computer are all you need.

No Wompatuck tonight; they aren't having it due to Exeter. I guess they deserve a night off. I rode the race bike to work today, as the Slim is now all taken apart. Tried coming straight down 138. It's faster, but not as pleasant a ride. My knee feels a little better after two days off the bike, but I'm still worried that it will require an extended rest for all the inflammation to go away. We'll see. I'm going to nurse it for now. This is an overuse condition, so I guess I'll have to limit the use (see number 2 above. Except this isn't really "hurt." Trust me, I know what I'm doing). Thanks for reading.

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