Monday, September 10, 2007

In honor of Bolder

On Sunday, the one and only BolderinBoulder completed his second Ironman Triathlon in just ten short months. Even though we know he is a bike racer trapped in a triathlete's life, we here at solobreak support his mission and quest for hours of suffering. As a show of support, on Saturday when I went out for my annual Long-Assed Ride Around the Neighboring Towns (tm), at the five hour mark I had about 92 miles in, and was about 10 miles from home. I had $4 left in my pocket and three empty bottles on my bike (I used the old toe-strap the bottle under the seat trick for the third bottle. Email Il Brucie if you don't know what a toe-strap is. I had to get one off (huh-huh) of my roof rack. And there goes parentheses inside of parentheses again. That syntax is ok in the languages I live in every day...). It was up to 90 degrees in the shade, and since it was just after high noon, there wasn't much shade. Your hero could have just topped off his bottles and rolled home (btw, this is the same convenient store where KL and I stopped on the ride back from Colt park and had to beg for a $1.49 bottle of water when I only had $1.21). However, in honor of our man Bold, I instead decided to soldier on and go for the full 182k, 112 mile Ironman bike leg distance the gilded one would be pedaling the next day. My $4 was just enough for another gallon of Monadnock Springs, plus a can of Red Bull (sorry Bold, they didn't have Rockstar). I poured it down, got my wings, and headed back in the other direction to start another seven minute, 4.4k effort up 140 from Taunton into Norton (I'd already done one the first time through. LT efforts when four or five hours out are the best). I finished that one up, bowed toward Colorado and Wisconsin (they're both out in the same direction) and took the long loop home. End of ride stats 183.4k (~114 miles) 6:18 riding time, 6:30 total time, 16 cities and towns. Thanks for reading, head over to Bolder's blog and check out his race report when it goes up.

1 comment:

  1. there were a hell uv a lotta gumbies down on that road in front of colt state park yesterday...

    oh and next time ya need water in Warren. Stop in to the Market and they'll fill ya bottles up fa free... good tasting water even...

    they good like that...
