Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ups and Downs

Stocks - way the fuck up
Readership of this blog - way the fuck down
Comments - also way the fuck down
My weight - down considerably
My interest in cross - flat
My checking account balance - way, way the fuck down (thanks bicycles!)
My target price when new car shopping - down and dropping
My resting heart rate - down a little (44 yesterday)
My blood pressure - Not down far enough
Temperature outside today - up and still rising
Running mileage - up
Chances of me doing well at the Pinnacle Challenge - up a little
Ideas for decent blog entries - down (wasn't that obvious?)

Thanks for reading.


  1. I'd A to Z if I had the paitience to figure out how to have a link list.

    My CDs are all alpha - zed and arranged by release date within artist. Except fo rthe overflow. I need another CD rack.

  2. maybe it's your choice of titles.

    this one was iffy.

    somethings i don't need to know about...

  3. how about an entry on fall/off-season training for those of us that get out of work less than an hour before dark?
