Thursday, May 22, 2008

Seen at the races

Can you tell it's sweeps week and my ratings are down? Since the nudity ploy failed to generate any extra comments and/or traffic, I'm going further down the low road with an audience participation/reality show combo. Here's the debut of a new monthly feature "Seen at the races." Anything strange, funny, oddball, real, exciting, whatever, so long as you actually saw it at a race. Links to photos acceptable, but not required, especially since I don't have any.

I'll get us started:

1) brand-new looking chain laying in the road (Sterling, first lap, top of hill by start/finish).

This is not Wolfie! And what's wrong with a white kit?

2) Wolfie in a scally cap (Jiminy Peak, parking lot, just before he bailed on the race because it was drizzling)

3) Hot underage chick in a short shorts. (ummmm... some crit)

Thanks for reading.


  1. Some guy in a duct-taped rain jacket wearing contractor glasses doing pushups before the Wrentham Cross race...

  2. Guilty as charged...

    And I forgot to mention the guy at Sturbridge in a full CSC team kit, of course riding a brand-new Cervelo. And this was in the Master 45+, not the Cat 5. I'm not kidding either. And it sure wasn't Riis...

  3. Looks like she could use a warmer hat.
