Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Truth, Injustice, and the Nega-Coach Way

Almost every blog I turn to lately seems to contain yet another story about the strife, misery, and hardship of life as an American amateur athlete. The challenges and difficulties daily existence presents to these poor souls is simply heartbreaking: teenage kids who have to put down the Wii and work summer jobs to pay for plane tickets, wannabee cat 2s faced with staggering $35 entry fees to race their $5000 bikes, and food industry executives being pinched with $4.50/gallon gas for their brand-new SUVs. How much longer can these people be expected to endure such turmoil?

I know that sometimes it seems like life is unfair. The world can be a cruel, cold place. Hang in there. Try to be strong. Take a deep breath and tell yourself "I will not be a victim." Thanks for reading, keep the faith.


  1. Life is good at Casa Gordo! We wer up in Canadia las week (gas @ $5.65/gl). I am convinced that gas here is still too cheap.

    Driving north last weekend, going about as quick as I dare (65-70mph) on I-95 & I-93 past Boston many, many cars were flying past us. If gas is such a burdon, slow down a bit. Get more out of a gallon. We are just spoiled.

    Food, gas and booze were very expensive in Quebec. (A liter of Canadian whisky cost more in Quebec than inr RI). THere was a dirth of tourists. All balmed on gas prices. We spent about $130.00 for fuel and covers 800+ miles. So say double that go get an arbitrary 1600 mile round trip for a US tourist. Figure $260.00 for gaz. If gas is up 25% from last year it only was going to cost an additional $65-70.00 for your trip. If less than a C-note is going to break the bank you got no bizniz taking a vacation.

  2. Glad I'm not a bike racer any more. (Never really was I suppose.)

    We had a great ride on the Corridor Aerobique in Morin Heights PQ with a former Maple Leaf TT champion. John is a great rider who keeps it real by enjoying the ride. We (Mrs. B, John & me) took the commuter bikes out on the dirt trail. Chatted, rode, and enjoyed the gorgeous Quebec countryside.

    It's no different now. 20 years ago we had upper middle class Cat IIs begging at the bike shop for free stuff 'cause they "deserved" sponsorship. Now it's the type A masters who feel entitled. Wanna rack up costs? Take up golf like your executive colleagues. I amazes me how much a round of golf costs. Do that twice a week and a Colnago looks like an entertainment bargain.

    It bike racing is too dear. Quit. Got the competitive monkey on your back? Gotta relive past glory? Gotta pump up the self worth by smoking other old men? Suck it up and pay the price or go find another HOBBY.

    At least gun nuts don’t bitch too much about meet and gun costs. Ammo is another issue.

  3. And let's not forget all the cat 3s, 4s, junior and masters who deserve free stuff too.

  4. Dude, things have gotten so bad for me that I actually patched a tube the other day instead of just throwing it out. It's like the great depression over here, man...

  5. Where would I be without Nega-Coach. I didn't get screwed by genetics, I just need to get off my ass and work on my jump shot. Lazy SOB I am...

  6. Right On, Bro ! Your efforts and writing are admired and appreciated !!
