Monday, March 6, 2006

To Run or not to Run

The dilemna of whether to continue running as cross-training or to ramp up time on the bike presents itself anually. Fully aware of the difficulties the early bike racing season will bring, and thus knowing once cannot be too prepared, putting off bike mileage creates a certain uneasiness. On the other hand, improvements in my running brought on by a steady stream of winter morning outings encourages me to continue, at least through a few spring running races.

Yesterday I ran a big-time PR at the Paddy Kelly 5 miler in DW Field Park, right next-door in beautiful Brockton. You may find this surprising, especially after my declaration of physical devastation one day prior, which, incidentally, was followed by a way past bedtime wait at the TF Green baggage claim. Despite Saturday's hard day's night, upon awakening Sunday I knew I wanted to run this race. Kerry was game too, and with the site just five minutes away, we went over and signed in.

Held in the Westgate Lanes cocktail lounge, going through registration brought back so many memories. One of my earliest traumatic recollections is being trapped in this bowling alley's child care center with dozens of other screaming brats while my Mother bowled in an afternoon league over forty years ago. In the decades that followed, the hustling and deal-making that comprised my mispent youth included plenty of visits to the adjacent pool hall and dive bar. KL appeared bewildered by my unbridled amusement as I recounted my tales of Westgate adventures from days gone by. I couldn't help but laugh.

With good energy and, save for fatigued quads, loose legs, I was excited to line up. Knowing the course so well provided me with another advantage. The siren went off and after momentarily being boxed in, I settled in to a way too fast for me pace. KL was only a few seconds up the road, so I knew I was in way over my head, but figured I had to push sometime. The only real rise, Tower Hill, came early at the end of mile one. This race not only had a mile marker, but had a digital clock there too, which read 5:58 as I passed. Holy crap. My HR was 170, ten beats over LT, so I backed down just a bit and forged on. Mile two passed at 12:18, mile three at 18:35, and when I saw the clock at mile 4 read 25:00 I knew that one of my running goals, going under 32 for a 5 mile, was going to be met. Some dude out-legged me at the finish, but I went into the chute at 31:30! Wow.

The weather was decent and I am sure that most of my bike racing adversaries put in a good day of training. Knowing that if we went out it would be junk miles, we repelled the guilt and did not ride at all. So now I am torn. The pace I ran puts my most serious running goal, breaking forty minutes in a 10K, within reach. Should I go for it this spring? A suitable race looms over in Cohasset on April 3rd. Dangerously close to bike racing season yes, but I can pull it off, right? We will have to see. Time to get on the trainer...

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