Monday, August 28, 2006


Here is a list of the food I consumed for D2R2:

1) toast (GREAT bread), butter, jam and delicious coffee at JD and Meg's. (230 cal)
2) bagel, egg, and cheese sandwich with 2 packets of salt from D&D right before the start. (470 cal)
3) 10 packages zero caffeine, 4x sodium Power Gel (2 flasks plus one package). (1100 cal)
4) 200+ ounces of full strength Gatorade (1200 cal)
5) Two PB&J sandwiches at the rest stops. (500 cal)
6) 3/4 of one long past the expiration date Clif bar (200 cal)
7) one plain donut from D&D, eaten at around the 50 mile mark, which tasted SOOOOO good. (300 cal)

This all adds up to approxiametly 4000 calories taken in before/during the ride. The Polar estimated 3885 consumed at the time it ran out of memory. I never bonked, and felt pretty strong at the end. I think starting out at an easy pace, and using the flasks of gel to remain fueled made all the difference on this ride. The 100k crew came back to the start with sandwiches just as I finished cleaning up, and it was delicious, but I wasn't starving like you normally might be after a century.

It took me a years to learn this, but once again I've found that if you stay fueled, and never go too hard (my HR never exceeded my LT on this ride), you can go forever. Thanks for reading. Thanks for reading (twice, because I forgot yesterday).


  1. wow, nuts...kind of makes me happy I decided not to do it

  2. just the opposite for me...

    but... i have the consolation of having the opposite type of ride... 65 miles pretty much at or above LT...

    just as fun (from the sounds of it) but 100% different

  3. Solo,

    That's my theory too...if i keep a low enough instensity (well below LT) and eat and hydrate enough...u can ride forever.....or a very long time.
