Thursday, October 19, 2006


Not much to write lately. This week I have not been motivated to train. The late sunrise isn't helping at all, so I've decided not to worry about it and just wait another two weeks for the clocks to be adjusted. Monday and Tuesday were nothing days. Wednesday was telecommuting but I had a busy day and didn't go to head out on the bike until 4:30. I was dressed and picked up the cross bike only to discover I hadn't put the pedals back on it, so quickly changing plans, this became a one hour road ride. For some reason, probably the warm temps, I felt good. After coming back home and working for a bit more, I went back out for a short run just as it got dark. My legs felt like shit at first, but by the end of twenty minutes I was striding normally and felt much better.

This weekend the rumor is that the infamous Gewilli will join KL and I for a mountain bike ride at Blue Hills on Saturday. If anyone else is up for it, let us know. We will be avoiding the nastiest rocky sections as the purpose of this two hour jaunt will be to get reaquainted with off road riding after a summer season away from it. On Sunday there is a flat 5K right over in Brockton and the course is USATF certified, so I want to run over there to get some idea of what my pace is on a legit course. Next weekend the Canton Fall Classic 10K falls on the same day as the Canton cross race, and I may attempt the double. We'll see. Thanks for reading.


  1. will be there - freaking with my old school schwerve on man...

    okay not like a 35 pound bike with a Fuck-UBrake mounted under the chainstay... but freak man i'll be there...

    wigity wack attack man... wigity wack

  2. Ya mean like the Ross Mt Hood's you see on craiglist for $150?

  3. I would love to join you and probably would have but I have my sis, her hus & 2 kids here from Canada. I have not seen them in 12 months, so looks like I will have to accept the early morning time though, any excuse to follow your asses around the woods...(all 3 of your asses)...although I am sure "1 of these thing sjust doesn't belong"...

  4. I was thinking more along the lines of top of the line gary fisher (Mt Tam), raliegh (Peak, Chill), ya know...

    that sort of 'old school' 1987-1989

  5. I think the Mt Hood was on the market then. In 88 I was working at the shop, we sold a lot of Giant Iguanas. The marble finish Diamond Backs were popular then, I think they were U brake.

    How about the rollercams? We had a 24" wheel Cannondale with those in the household stable for a while. Remember the bike they made with a 26 front and 24 rear wheel?

    My 'hopper was an 86. Originally all Deore and the Specialized branded Nitto stuff that was actually outstanding quality. The chainstays were 18 inch and with the slack angles and long front center, the thing handled like a school bus.
