Thursday, October 19, 2006

Peanut Butter and Jelly - Breakfast of Champions

This morning, instead of just toast with butter and Pollaner, I decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes I do this on race day too, as the PB has more substance and fends off my morning hunger longer than just toast. Lately I've been getting pretty hungry mid-morning, so I went with the PB&J to see if it might help me make it till noon withoug heading down to the caf.

I still toasted my bread. In fact, today I used one slice of russian rye, and one slice of Baker's Inn multigrain. I keep my Smucker's reduced fat natural peanut butter in the fridge. Spreading it is not easy. Today I put a glob on a saucer and gave it 15 seconds in the microwave. Perfect, nice and easy. KL prefers crappy old Jif, Peter Pan, or in a pinch Skippy peanut butter because their sweet taste makes her feel like a kid again. But how best to make the sandwich? Do you need PB on both slices of bread?

Sheldon Brown seems to disagree with noted authority Paullywog. For Sheldon's link, see the part about prevention. For the 'wog, see the Q&A at the bottom of the page.

Gewilli seems to be just as anal about his food as the 'wog. I am not sure if the lowly PB&J is beneath him or not. The 'wog loses a lot of credibility with me, because he believes any flavor jelly is OK. Me? No way, gotta be grape, although Pollaner grape is not easy to find. I'll sometimes cave an use blueberry in a pinch, but never apricot or orange or apple, no way.

This is an important topic. What are your opinions? I'd love to see the 'wog and Gewilli throw down in a food critic jamboree. Any other race morning food recommendations? Thanks for reading.


  1. PB is critical for me survival...

    I'll often whip up a batch of gewilli/thai/indian peanut sauce for noodles and either stir-fried chicken or tofu...

    the quick fall back meal that the girls love....

    My preference for the sweetened PB is the Reeses. If ya haven't tried that stuff ya haven't tried peanut butter. It actually tastes like peanuts...

    in general i prefer to get natural, and organic (if possible) salted but unsweetened peanut butter. The kind with the oil floating on it that ya gotta mix up...

    And you MUST MUST MUST put peanut butter on both sides. One side has more tho.. awe f*ck it... TBC blogstyle

  2. Race morning recs...

    4 hours prior to race at minimum:

    Big bowl:
    add one big bananna (or two small ones)
    hand full of rasins
    cup of whole milk organic plain or maple vanilla (pick one or both) organic yogurt
    grape nuts
    granola (i prefer the oats and honey Cascadian Farms)
    milk to dilute consistency an make it spoonable...

    that or start with some Musli and milk - nuke and let sit... add lots of fruit... a bit of grapenuts and granola and lots of yogurt...

    the serving size for me is a somewhere between a final total of 16-24 ounces...

    that'll get ya through a race no problem...

    good stictuitiveness - easily digestable (assuming no lactose problems) loads of complex carbs and simple with timed release (fructose and what not)...

  3. Grape jelly is the one flavor I won't touch.

    It's either red raspberry preserves WITH THE SEEDS or strawberry preserves WITH THE SEEDS and Peter Pan Reduced Fat Crunchy. Jif in a bind, Skippy only if the other option is that all natural oil infused crap.

    Multigrain bread every time. Toast it til it's brown.

    NOw ask me about my gourmet grilled cheese sandwich.

  4. Oh,...only 'Dickinsons' (since 1897) Salinas, CA for me, Organic Blueberry Fruit Spread, trick is I cake the organic whole wheat (Rudi's Organic Bakery) ( with Teddy PB when the toast is piping hot, layer approx 1/4 of an inch on both sides, once melted, I use a different knife, and spread the Dickinson's on only one side. I always am gentle when cutting, and always lick the knife, as melted PB is supreme. PB has always been my staple when I walk through the door after comutting home from work,..never before coffee as I will always be pop'n tums if I eat the PB before coffee. After coffee, well it goes down nice....

  5. time is money.

    i go for Uncrustables. they come in both strawberry jam or grape jelly...

    oh, and thanks for the BF comment.

    i laughed, and then i cried.

  6. yogurt boy - gotta eat it 4 hours in advance...

    and if i don't eat at least thatmuch i'm wicked gd hungry with a growlin belly...

    me no like growling guts... too distracting...
