Monday, February 5, 2007

Feel like a number

If you haven't been keeping up to date with the antics of MoveitFred and his two cohorts, then you might not understand this reference. It's two references, actually. Seems Freddy and company would like some real entertainment for their blog reading pleasures rather than the boring training drivel they've been getting lately. I must agree, sometimes the numbers suck. Take today's temperature as an example. More cold on the way. Bad numbers.

I've been giving you running splits because that's all I've got. Personally I think they're more meaningful than stupid power numbers (racing is, after all, about speed, not power). They're not as sad as some of the cadence numbers I've been reading lately either. The mega-low cadences of some of our cohorts are an offshoot of the power revolution. You will put out more power when turning the cranks slowly, because torque is high. You won't win many races that way though. There are secrets that your power meter won't tell you. I'm keeping them to myself too, because I'm a greedy mofo. Just continue to plod along at 75 rpm with your eyes and focus glued to the power reading; it will be all you need, trust me, really.

Watched Lemond winning the 89 Worlds on youtube courtesy of a link from Flatman. The contrast with races we've been seeing lately is remarkable. Maybe it's because they had no radios, or maybe it's just because those guys were hard core racers with a lot of heart. Either way, take the time to watch it carefully. The race is a good old-fashioned slugfest and the guy who wanted it the most wins. Awesome.

Congrats to Funai for ringing up the first placing of the year within my blogging circle. The SoCal flyweight scored a podium in a tough 67 mile road race out near San Diego in just his third appearance as a master. Fat and slow my ass. Good job.

Now for the numbers. Rode the trainer Saturday. Not bad, over an hour, actually put a bit of effort into it for part of the ride. Sunday morning it was 16 degrees up at the KL North, more snow than we've seen all year (around 5 inches) but the main road was clear so we went out and ran. KL left me in the dust as usual, but this time we turned around 8.5k out. I announced I would add more after we went back past the KLNTC, but she declined. I was suffering and there was a biting headwind coming off the pond on the way back, but I soldiered on and did an extra 5k loop before finishing by trudging halfway up Gordon Hill. This ended my excursion at 13.5 miles and 1:47. I think my running LT must be higher than my bike LT. I used to think they were the same, but I was able to maintain 157-158 bpm for most of this run, and my bike LT is only 160. I run 10k's at 166 average, so maybe while running I get a few more tics out. That's the scoop, time for work. Sorry 'bout the numbers Freddy; I promise next week will be better. Thanks for reading.

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