Thursday, February 15, 2007

We made it a year.

One year of solobreak, 221 posts. Same bat font, same bat template. Sorry it's been a slow week, but I'm pretty busy. I was hoping for an anniversary nodcast, but no such luck. Maybe I'll follow the lead of the big studios and post a teaser trailer tonight. Quick update, the Paddy Kelly 5 mile Road Race went very well with a PR of 30:44, so I guess the training hasn't been such a wreck after all. This weekend we have the Foxboro Old-Fashioned 10 Miler on tap, hopefully sans ice. Will try to update later. Thanks for reading.


  1. a year... holy blessed mother of all that is right and good on the bike...

    what a way to mark an anniversary... with bubkis(sic)

    we need a good long story again...

    maybe ya can tell the tale of the history of the Blue Hills Mt Bike Trails...

    so i don't have to be rude and tell ya to shut up i'm enjoying the ride next time! ;) i'm honestly interested in the evolution of the trails... but... the time to hear about it is before or after a ride... not during a mt ride ;)

    well i'll be sincere and wish you an honest congrats on the blog making it a year... some others seemed to have folded under helpful constructive criticism, namely "if you want to go fast, ride you damn bike fast, and often."
