Monday, April 16, 2007

Best Nodcast Ever!

Coming soon! No, not really. In fact, KL said this one was so bad that she wouldn't even let me load it into her IMovie. Don't despair, I'll get it done somehow. Even though my former efforts have been dissed by all, with Meg slamming my content, and fluffmeister CTodd denying it exists at all, true fans know the value of the minimalist production.

In this one you'll hear some sketchy details of the race depicted above. Special thanks to the Cycling Automaton whose blog the photo was lifted from without permission. Here the Cronoman and I pound the Ninigret tarmac, having infiltrated the winning eight rider break in the 45+ race. The Cronoman came up big in the sprint, taking fourth (OK, medium big) and I got eighth out of the eight, oh well. My sprint is pathetic. There's another pic that is bound to surface sometime where me and one of the others escaped ahead of the break and I managed to reel in a $20 prime, so the day was better than break even.

I stuck around for just a few minutes to shoot a quick video of the cat 3 race, where some of the same suspects from the 45+ race took on the likes of the Automaton. BOB class act Jimmy O'Mara took the field sprint for third behind a long-gone breakaway by junior phenom Gavin Mannion and another guy. You can find the 6MB video here.

Lots of rain for the marathon today. If they had a bike leg it might be like a triathlon. I've never attended the marathon. The closest I came was working in Newton one year and seeing a few stragglers running over the bridge as I passed under Route 16 while driving by on 128. Wet week, but we managed to get in a decent ride yesterday morning before the snow hit. You'll have to wait for the nodcast, and of course we all can't wait to hear about Ge and Geo's excellent adventure to Battenkill. Nice to see Stuie win at Paris-Roubaix too. Thanks for reading.


  1. I don't see a Nodcast.

    Must be a Noncast.


  2. I'll take a crack at answering Bold. Those are not actually disk wheels, they are spoked wheels with a PVC cover on. There is a local guy who makes them. Whether or not this is more aero and worth it, well that is debatable. It is somewhat of a case of monkey see, monkey do as there is another local guy who has won 23 national titles and even now at age 53 continues to win them and consistently spank riders 20 years his junior in the sprint. He uses one of these wheels, and is on the same team as the rider in the blue kit (Joe Rano) who is also a one man gang who wins a dozen races a year (in fact, he won this one). They ride for the same team as the guy who makes the wheels. The other guy is the Cronoman. He may be my best friend and team mate, but to steal a line from him, I don't want my fingerprints anywhere near that train wreck.

    As for the aero helmet, this is not a TT, and the helmets actually have a purpose, that is keeping your noggin from getting squashed in a crash. The aero helmets may or may not do a sufficient job at that, but I for one don't want to be the guinea pig. And, as I have noted before, the validity of the MIT study has never really been established, and the famous quote taken from the beginner rag of cycling was out of context. The aero helmet does make it hard to hear what is going on around you, and this is also important in a mass start race.

    See? It is all so simple...

  3. ctodd, The best nodcast is a nocast. Solo is just pleasing his true fans with this one. Cheers.

  4. awwwwww.

    the old, if you are fast, you can do anything you want!

    got it.
