Friday, April 13, 2007

Quiet week

Not much going on. Rode the trainer a few times, and rode around Blue Hills on Wednesday night. Even did the access road in 6:01. Used the 41x24 again, but went "easy" on the bottom half and tried to stay seated. My split at the switchback was around 3:20, same as last time, so I must have knocked off the twenty seconds on the top part. As I was riding up, I saw three guys coming down, one at a time. The first guy had a familiar kit, but I can't place it. Then there was a guy with maple leafs or something and a brand new red Specialized. The third guy was a younger, skinny BRC rider. He looked familiar.

I rode around in circles at the top for a minute or two before putting on my jacket and descending. Maple leaf guy was coming back up, hammering, but looking pretty good. Further down the BRC guy was coming up again. He was going well too, but looked very relaxed. He gave me the nod like he knew me, so maybe he was a Wompatuck guy. No repeats for me, not with the 41. Maybe next week. This was supposed to be a rest week. I got a massage Tuesday, and the prognosis was my calf is tight and probably causing the foot pain, but I stayed away from running this week anyway. I want to give it some more rest. I don't have any more important running goals for this spring, just a few duathlons.

I sent an email to the promoter of the upcoming Blue Hills race. He verified that the course is indeed going to run counter-clockwise. That seems weird. I guess you'd need a marshal to stop traffic from both directions at each intersection anyway, at least for the pack, but if there is anyone off the front or back, going clockwise allows them to pass without any marshalling help. More importantly though, the way they are running it will make the descent side on the narrow road which is now heavily developed with houses and driveways. The climb will be out on Unquity Road, which is basically a parkway with no development on it. I'm not so sure I want to participate in this one. The other direction would be a better race, and WAY safer. I guess we'll see.

Good luck to Gewilli and maybe Feltslave who are slated to compete at Battenkill Roubaix tomorrow. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not to go back to Ninigret for another race, make a nodcast, or both? Thanks for reading!


  1. Go for Ninigret. I want another chance to capture the LS skinsuit in all of its digital glory.

  2. Who let Zoo out of the mental ward?

  3. I believe it was Dr. Frankenfurter. Zoo, I thought you were 'regged for Battenkill? Second thoughts?

  4. Maple Leafs is Canadian National Team.

    I think Dave was mistaking Maple Leafs with Sponge Bob or another novelty jersey, as we all know that he is blind as a fucking bat without his spectacles. There are no NHCC people riding in the Blue Hills on a Wednesday in April. Neither are there any Canadian national team members.

    And remember, Zoo, It's just a jump to the left... (And then a step to the right).

  5. You're thinking of the old SuperCup jersey from like, years ago, 1998 maybe. It was the official leaders jersey of the series. I think you could buy a cheap rip off from some catalog.

    That's what you saw. Blue and yellowish-orange, right?

  6. No, everyone is wrong. Even me. I don't see that well. It was predominantly white with some read symbols. What difference does it make? I think it was a gumby because his bike was new and shiny. If you read between the lines you'll find my sadness brought on by suspicion that I was not the fastest rider on the hill that night. I feel like the old chimpanzee on the discovery channel (ecch!) who gets his ass kicked by the young upstart chimps, then has to go sit at the edge of the camp gumming his rotten bananas...

  7. Red. See? Now I can't even spell 3 letter words.
