Friday, April 6, 2007

Surprise Linkage

Here is what happens when an entire team misses the start to a training race. Guess which one is KL?

This morning was consumed by some online hijinx with the teammates, and then squeezing in a quick five mile run, so no blog post was prepared. However, I just found out I got a surprise honorable mention (more like a feature!) on the widely read Bolder in Boulder blog, so I figured I'd better get a fresh post up stat.

Bolder knows that although I may smell like a dog sometimes, I swim like a cat (in other words, only to avoid drowning when thrown into the water), but that hasn't stopped him from trying to recruit me into triathlon. Hell, I'm doing the running races anyway, and I have a few duathlons behind and ahead of me. Two out of three ain't bad, right? Besides that, I know he is just a roadie and time trialist trapped in a triathlete's body and blogworld. Everyone knows cold and dark Canada has inexplicably been producing amazing cyclists for decades - Bauer, Steida, Sydor, Harnett, Hughes, Bessette, Walton... Why not Bold?

Hopefully his bike racing debut doesn't turn out like this. Check out the triple on the guy/girl who is about to endo. Thanks for reading!


  1. For the record, I was one of only 3 mates that didn't miss the start. I was sitting in the pack when I got the call from the team captain to drop back to bring the others to the group. The pic of me on my index page sprinting out of the saddle was taken as I was chasing the start of the race down the road.

    Of course, now that I have snow, who knows when I'll be doing that kind of stuff again. Gotta love this climate change.

  2. No no no no no! Only in a Meatloaf song is 2 out of 3 not that bad. In triathlon it qualifies as a DNF! Come to the dark side!

  3. That is what she gets for racing a triple.

  4. Yeah, a MAN would never ride a triple under any circumstances.

  5. it's not the triple on the chainring, it's the momentum through the double-gainer!

    or, something like that.

    so far, i think i'm starting fifth in the citizen's TT, so, hopefully that gives me some peeps to pile onto and over!
