Monday, July 16, 2007

Special pre-WMSR Nodcast!

Stuie may be out of the Tour, but fear not, the proper bike racing haircut lives on at the Workingman's Stage Race.


  1. I'll tell ya what I wasn't expecting..
    We go to all the trouble of depilating our legs and machining our noggins on the cheap.. so you'd think it would be easy and proper to do some deforestation of the pits in two seconds flat using that 'ol No 2 clipper.. Hehe..
    All kidding aside, you are gonna move mountains tomorrow.. Got that crazy look in your eyes. It will make my day if you break 15 minutes. Shit if you win, I will compete in a hilly road race in your honor..with a tattoo of your bad ass wearing a wife beater, applied to the skin covering one of my calf implants. Okay not that last part. Pretend that your minute man has a mullet (and a braided rat tail sticking out of it), hairy legs, hairy lower lip. The anger and rage you associate with that image will juice your watts for sure..
    Speaking of mullets, a stripper told me the other night that I certainly did NOT have a mullet.. (not that I believe you were referring to me..) and I was offered more lap dances than all of my short haired friends put together.. I don't know if it was the hair, the Versace jeans I was wearing or the properly groomed pits, but yeah.. I was the shit.
    Good luck tomorrow. "Kolay gelsin". That's Turkish for "May it come easy for you, you fart collecting windbag". Okay, not that last part.
    Seriously, have a great race. Wish it was closer to RI so I could show you how NOT to time trial. You'll do great.

  2. Look at those EARS

    Look at those GUNS

    Dude, ya gonna be punching people at this thing? Or is there heavy lifting required between races?

    Oh and What # cutter did ya go with?

  3. I am afraid I shan't make it to the blue collar stage race. Ge isn't gonna get comped. I feel guilty.

    I think I'll pedal over to Attleborough and see what carnage is to be seen.

    Ge & Solo, are you footie fans? Beckham and his haircut in HD Saturday night...

    Shall I buy some sausage?

  4. The have trike races for the little Willis too.

  5. yeah - i remember... the oldest wanted to race last year... might have to bring that up with the girls as an option...

    heck maybe watching daddy go in circles would be fun for them...

  6. and yeah...

    Beckham's haircut...

    might have something to add about that tomorrow...
