Thursday, July 26, 2007

Twenty Days

Without commenting on the Tour, at least not on this blog.

I haven't felt much like riding this week. No energy. I know this feeling. Although I'm not in dire need of a rest week, I guess I'm a little burnt. So I took a few days off. Today I've got the itch to ride. I wish I did not have to go to work. The bike has gone in the car, so let's see if I still feel this way when 6 pm rolls around. I'm tempted to go down to the Rehoboth TT, but I don't think I can get out of work early enough for it to be worthwhile. Instead, I might be looking at riding around Blue Hills and doing some repeats on the access road. Anyone up for that?

Thanks for reading.


  1. awe come down to the TT...

    it'll be FUN, you'll like the new course. A few technical elements and a little tiny hill to make it fun!

  2. I was thinking of rolling by the TT to see sights.

    Gotta be home early though. Drinks at the Tinker's Nest tonight.
