Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More charts than Ross Perot

It's been a while, and since Bold requested it, here are some charts. I'm just posting links to the big files this time.

Last week my weekly training time topped eight hours for the first time in six months! Yikes. I sure hope that running is as efficient as they say. I ran the report and the average comes out to a mere 5.5 hours/week. This broke down to about three hours on the bike and the balance running. I guess that's why we call it the off season. Hopefully the next six months will produce almost double these 143 hours.

Here are the others. The first one is several repeats. The first ones are slow, and the last few under six minutes.

Repeats on Big Blue

Here is my fastest ride, it says 4:46, sorry, no cadence.

The altitude and distance don't always come out exactly the same. Maybe Murat will come up for a ride with us some day so you can all be treated to one of his helmet cam videos. It ain't Independence Pass Bold, but it's all we have! Thanks for reading.


  1. i think most digi cams can record at least 6 minutes...

    duct tape it to the bike ala Oscar and make the attempt...

    or wait for Murat...

  2. A 2 gig SD card holds an hour of footage.. The one I bought is more of a "handlebar cam" for now.. although the next time I use it off-road I'm mounting it on the helmet. My digital camera (a Kodak, purchased three years ago) records excellent quality video, using an SD card. No place to put it except in your hand though.

    I'm game for this "Blue Mountain" you speak of.. Give me your tears gypsy.. Actually I rode up it once, blind, not knowing anything about it. Wasn't fair to me because I blew my wad 1/2 way up. How was I to know it was twice as long as I'd guessed? Friggin Thad Lavalee, Colavita punk tricked me (kidding, we're former team mates and still good friends)

  3. I was on my way down one time and I saw Thad and two guys riding up. They were near the bottom, and practically sprinting... I turned around at the bottom and headed back up, passing two of them who had blown. Thad was waiting at the top. I'm guessing he plays that game with a lot of people.

    I might try to get one of those mini tripods to hold the camera. Then I should be able to rig it to the handlebars. I could see this ending badly...

  4. i rare insight, into the inner workings, of the man, the cyclist known simply as Solobreak.

    don't know about anyone else, but, i was quite impressed on how low your HR plummets after the load is removed...

    of course, you knew it was coming from this mountain man -- i'm still lookin' for the 'big'...

    MORE CHARTS! this was great!!
