Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dumbass Versus the Right-Wing Conspiracy

Every year, we set our clocks back one hour on the last Saturday of October, also the day of the Canton Fall Classic Running Race. I didn't hear anything about it, so I was wondering about it a little, but when my computer, which uses NTP, set itself back, I figured I'm in the clear. Learned something about NTP today... it just sets you time precisely based on GMT, but timezone configuration is left to tzdata (on 'nix type systems anyway...).

I got up "early" even though I watched every pitch of the Sox win last night, and I packed up the cross bike in the car "just in case" I felt up to racing after the 10k. I then proceeded to sort through all the nifty new running clothes I'd bought on Saturday's spending spree, kitted up in my new shoes, prepared some bottles, and went out for the ten minute drive to Canton. I think it's 9 am. I get near the race and hmmmm, the cops are out here awful early... The parking lot is full. Hey, there's some people running, the fun run must have started at 9... Oh shit. I guess I was the only one who set my clock back last night... Fuck, and this is the one time I pre-registered. Oh well, good cause, I hope.

Over to the cross race. I'm still in shock, sort of, and I'm thinking the 45+ race started at the "real" 10 am, but I can still make the 35+. It's 10:45, and I register for the race. I find the Cronoman to pin me up, and he says the 45+ didn't start yet. WTF? I'm all out of sorts today. Well, at least now I have an hour to warmup, but of course I'm going to really get my assed kicked. I rode over to the Blue Zoo and ran around a bit to warm up. My calf felt tight; maybe it was the crappy MTB shoes, but maybe I missed the 10k for a reason. Got back to the cross race venue, but did not have time to take a lap of the course, so we're doing it blind. Only about 70 starters. I just lined up at the back and planned on the first lap being a preview.

Timmy was there, having just finished the 45+. At the gun we rolled off slowly and I just followed Timmy. In the first turn the Ringer had tangled with an RS guy, and we went around them. The RS guy came by quickly, so now just Carl is behind me. Halfway through the lap he comes by me too. So far, all of the course is just like last year, so I am good. Then Timmy bails on some mud, so I'm on my own and I start racing. The pack is all strung out. Around the running track I passed a few backmarkers, and then found the tight chicane part was not muddy and not staked very tight so it's real easy this year. The whole course was easy, fast, and with a good flow to it.

The rest of the race I just cranked it up on the paved parts and the open areas, riding the tighter stuff conservatively. I made steady progress and passed about twenty people total. I think we only did five laps. On the last lap I made a good run and had the Ringer in sight but only got up to a second or two behind him at the line, finishing 45th. At least it was a good workout, probably similar intensity to what I would have got in the 10k. This was close to home and a good way to get my feet wet in cross this year without actually getting them wet. I am not a mudder and one of the signs of a good cross race to me is when I don't need to clean my bike.

This can go into history as the lamest race report ever. Sue me, I don't give a crap. Got to see Gewilli, always nice, and also the A-man came to watch and he dished out some quality heckling over by the track. It's always fun when you don't care about your result, because then you can heckle back. Now it's up to Moveitfred's wife to decide if we go to Farmington. Thanks for reading.


  1. No idea how I missed you... my bad for not paying attention. And G was there too... F... I was really out of it. Ah well... maybe Plymouth.

  2. I was there too, reg-ing people and holding lap cards until about noon at which time I had to mosey.

  3. No racey for me in CT. Go forth and rip it up.

  4. i got there about noon... was supposed to be there at 11:30

    vcr changed time (it is oooooold) and well - i didn't realize i was cuing into that clock in the LR... 11:11 i rallied the girls from the back yard and by 11:17 we here headed up...

    got there at 11:59...

    left mid-way through the big girl's racin... as my little ones were getting tired and grumpy...
