Monday, February 4, 2008

No Bounce

As in I'm not exactly bouncing back after my workouts. Not that they're even all that hard either. Nights at Elite notwithstanding, this is just the same shit I've always done, yet it's kicking my ass. Friends who've preceded me into old age warned me about this. I can still manage a decent effort now and then, but recovery takes longer... Back in the fall things did not seem this difficult. I'm trying a few things to see if I can turn it around.

For those who are wondering where the missing post disappeared too, it just didn't live up to the artistic vision I was attempting to fulfill, so I deleted it. I've had a few other decent ideas for entries, but they either didn't make it past the legal department or just lacked originality.

For lack of anything else to write, January ended at 21 hours combined running and riding, which is two less than in 2007, but with all the gym work I guess I'm still ahead. This weekend I did not get in a long run, as like I said, I was dead. Instead I managed two decent rides, a bit over two hours solo on Saturday, and a bit under three with the Cronoman on Sunday. Near the end of the latter I started to wonder what one of our more fierce 45+ New England competitors might be doing on a day like today. I quipped to the Cronoman, "what do you think _ _ _ _ _ is doing today?" E replied, "Probably going hard." So I told him to email and ask him. This is what we got back:

wow i'm flattered. ive been doing 2-3 hr rides sat and sun. sat with
intervals sun i put powertap on avg watts and get after it. yesterday
50 miles avg 250 watts 21.8 mph avg. very hard, probably too hard, but
i have the time now. slept shit last night so i know i trainnedd real
or too hard.

So much for getting old. I don't think I could have even stayed on his wheel. No wonder I never fucking win anymore. Thanks for reading.

PS - Oh yeah, Sunday I just put it in the 50x19 and left it there the entire ride. No shifting. So much for needing a single speed. Yes, I realize that at the speed we maintained, this only averages out to 82 rpm, but one of my weaknesses is grinding along at low cadence, so I made it a point to work on that.

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