Friday, March 7, 2008

I feel like such a pussy

Doesn't that sound so much better than "Solobreak goes to the outlet mall?" Even if it doesn't, you might be asking "how are these two statements related Solo?" It's like this, over a period of several years: Boy meets bike. Boy puts misspent youth behind him and gets fit. Boy decides to go to night school. Boy and bike grow apart. Boy grows fat. Boy graduates and gets new job. Boy needs all new clothes. Boy needs 38 waist pants. Boy meets up with bike again. Boy gets fit again. Boy hems 38 waist pants with safety pins. Boy's oversized pants eventually wear out. Boy breaks bank and goes back for more pants, 33 waist this time. Boy can't go to outlet mall and just buy serious stuff, he needs to buy fun stuff too. Boy goes in to the Adidas store. Boy buys running shorts, tights, track pants, and golf shirts. Boy finds selection of size "L" is much smaller than the "XL" he used to need... Boy is in checkout line and sees baseball batting gloves for only $7.99/pair. Boy realizes these might be great for his sledgehammer workouts and buys a pair. Boy gets up Friday morning, puts on his glasses and finally checks his sledgehammer to see what size it is. Boy thinks it's a 15 lb or at least a 12 lb. Boys sees "8 lb" inscribed on the bottom. Boy feels like a pussy. Maybe boy should have bought pink leg weights or wristbands instead of baseball gloves...

So it looks like this weekend might involve a trip to the hardware store to buy a bigger hammer. 8 lb? WTF. It feels so heavy, especially after the 15th rep. At least I don't have a coach who tells me not to do pushups... When I get a 12 pounder, I think I'll give Feltslave a call to get some hockey tape so that I can dress her in black.

One good thing came out of this though. The baseball gloves turned out to be pretty good for driving. Nice and grippy. Plus, the XBox has volume and channel controls on the steering wheel, and they're a pain with clunky gloves. These are thin but not too tight. Speaking of the XBox, yesterday was the first occasion I had to put a bike in the back. Fenders make this chore a pain in the ass, but even with them the bike just fit in. My bikes won't stand up back there though, not unless I remove the seat. It looks like it might be possible if I face it forward, then take out the rear tray so the wheel can sit down in the spare tire well, but that's not so good for day to day use. I guess I'll just go with the standard laying it down method most of the time. At least the tunage sounds better with the seats folded. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go unbunch my panties. Thanks for reading.

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