Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Peanuts, Beer, and Sweet Caroline

Not to mention Manny at the plate and on the big screen. A win would have been nice too, but what the hey. I have to do this more often. Oh, and by the way, my form has been going downhill... Thanks for reading.


  1. Hey, you don't look sweaty enough - I bet you just photoshopped yourself in... from section 3!

  2. It was pretty warm up there with no breeze under the roof, but I was feeling for you guys out in the sun.

    Will you accept this as proof of authenticity?


  3. Ooh, those are great seats!
    I knew it was bad when every time I stood up, I blacked out a bit! Yikes! (but still fun)

  4. Fred - He may be claiming Boston, but he sounds more like Newton or Brookline to me. And yes, I can also tell the difference between Dorchester and Eastie accents... That's not even hard.

  5. I don't know about all that, but take it easy on the blue cheese up there.

    Combined with that cup of beer and you're staring some wicked heart trouble right in the face.

  6. A recently self-performed haircut I presume? Where's the vid?
