Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Bolder announced that he is retiring from blogging. Bolder's was the first blog I started to follow. The guy has written some very entertaining entries. Lately though, I'd been wondering what was up. His blog just did not seem, well, happy anymore. I hope we still hear from him in one way or another. Thanks for the efforts dude!

I wonder about the sources of unhappiness. I don't know, but I'm getting more and more optimistic with age. Why are you miserable? Get over it and be happy. It's pretty easy. People do shit. Let it go. Smile.

You may have noticed my entries have become a bit sparse too. There's not much going on. I'm taking the month off from racing, well, for the most part. My form sucks and my energy level has been down during workouts, and I think it's just because I started early in the season and have maintained an unrelenting schedule. The past few weeks have helped. I should be able to build back up for the late summer and early fall. This will be my first attempt at a multi-peak season in quite some time.

Despite skipping most of the racing this month, Sunday I had a 5 mile road race literally right outside my doorstep, so I went and ran the Children's Museum Road Race. This was the first running event I've done since February where I did not do a bike race or hard ride the day before. I went in with fairly high hopes, as my legs were fresh and I even had new racing shoes for the first time. They got about 300 runners this year, and at the start one of the masters that I know remarked it was the best running conditions in years for this race, around 60 degrees and misting lightly. This one typically takes place in oppressive heat and humidity, so the cool temps were a refreshing change.

Well, it didn't last as by the time the siren went off to start the event, it was raining. I went out about ten runners back, and felt pretty good. It's flat then climbs slightly. At one mile the rain was falling steady and I hit the mark in 5:49. By two miles I'd been passed by some kids and wasn't feeling so great, my split was around six flat and it was now pouring. By mile three most of the road was covered with two inch deep puddles, and I'd slowed to 6:14 pace. Ditto mile four. Mile five was run in an all out deluge and I stumbled through it in 6:11 for an official finish time of 30:30, 9th overall, 2nd in my age group. Kind of a disappointment, but it probably shouldn't be, as I simply haven't been putting in enough running miles to do a good time, and the conditions probably cost me a few seconds as well.

The next few weeks will be much of the same. I'll probably run another five miler on Thursday night, then maybe bag the running for the month of July. I still don't have any race plans in the immediate future. If the motivation to ride doesn't come back strong within a few weeks, I guess I'll need to figure out how to work some variety into the mix.

Good luck Bolder, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. come down to the bikeworksTT on thursday

    it'll give ya a bit of variety and a chance to play with the TT bike...
