Friday, August 1, 2008

The Daily Pelican

If you don't understand the title, then I guess you haven't been following CReuters's fine blog the past few weeks, and you also don't get your cycling news here. Shame on you (for the first part. I don't get my cycling news there either, though maybe I should). This will be a new thing here, sort of a newsletter, a slight upgrade from the old Friday Links. Before using the title, I ran a quick search on the oft chance some newspaper of this name already existed, and lo and behold the Coalition for Louisiana Progress beat me to it. Louisiana, where they love OUI so much they put it right in the name of the state. That's progress.

I'm going with the newsletter format because it's reached a point where all my friends and acquaintances are so fucking weird that I can't even write about them on my blog anymore. This must be a consequence of getting old. I've never had so many stories good judgment dictates I hold in confidence or risk violence in the streets, violence in the home, bedlam, bedwetting, and continued poverty in that strife-torn nation. I did not set out to have weird friends, it just sort of happened. One day you're perfectly normal (as if normal were perfect, or perfect were normal?), and the next all your friends are nuts. So we'll keep it light. We'll start with this. Jim McMahon and da Bears crushed the Patriots Super Bowl dreams back in 1986, keeping alive the Patsy's dynasty of failure at the time. That's not what made me a fan though, it was his barefoot golfing at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am later that spring. Keeping the game in perspective. It's great to see him doing so well. I found the McMahon story link while following this one, and hence that's how we ended up rolling down the bike lane to petty amusement this morning.

It beats writing about the loss of Manny. Sorry, but I don't care what kind of a head case he is (see paragraph above about my friggin' friends), it won't be the same without him. At least the Dodgers are already my adopted favorite National league team. And all you Yankee fans can continue to go fuck yourselves. You know who you are...

Last but not least, what do you think of Knol? Looks like the perfect place for all my weirdo friends (and me of course) to extol their know-it-all wisdom about some random topic. Gewilli could do an article about microscopic inspection of 40T chainrings or something. I'm actually already trying to convert my lame, half-baked, untouched and unupdated in two years History of New England Cyclocross into Knol format. Would be nice if anyone would get off their arse and actually send me some more vintage photos to use. Maybe I'll open it up to collaboration and all that. Yeah, I know, this is not funny. I just stumbled upon it because the whole point of this post was to NOT end up like one of the never updated links over on the sidebar. I took a peak under the hood of HurleyBike to see why she can't seem to update it, and yeah Miche, I see what you mean. It's like your content is overlaying the editor. Not sure if you're using the dashboard or not, but you can sort of see the nav bar over the top of the blog. When you click it it's opening behind your content. Try opening it in a new tab and see if that lets you hack at it and start over. Thank you very much, drive through please, come again.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I'm embarrassed to admit (but obviously not embarrassed enough) that I thought Toucan Sam was a pelican. Duh. Then they would have named him Pelican Sam dumbass. Too bad, as Fruit Loops would make a good official breakfast cereal of Reuter's blog. Or this one. Thanks for reading.

PS - funny shit: Holy crap this is good.


  1. I must decline. Gotta draw the line someplace, and that would be at least having something open wheel on the program. Besides that, I've been to these before, and the place will be tightly packed with EP and FR street urchins of every size, shape, and misbehavior. And there's a bike race Sunday...
