Monday, May 7, 2007

Bike Racer Haircut Live! Part One - Nodcast 6

For a higher quality movie, download this 23 MB file for viewing with Quicktime player.

This was recorded a few weeks ago, so time references are out of date. Tune in soon for the dramatic conclusion! Thanks for watching!


  1. A few thoughts...

    I love that you offer the viewers a means of seeing this video in higher quality. Scary thought: Solo's mug in HD. EEEK.

    Your nodcast here reminds me of that seen in Alien when they hotwire the android Ash after they knock his fucking head off. You should spit some milk out while doing this.

    Next time, do a snoozecast of a good BM, will ya? Or here's another thought... How about Solo brushing his teeth. You could have the whole humorous bit of you trying to speak with the brush and foam coming out. Genius.

  2. Fahking riveting.

    In Pt 2, do you switch to the #2 and do the sides or do you, ahem, go downtown?

  3. #5? WTF Chicken Shit! That's LONG hair BOY! get the shit trimmed...

    #3 on top #1-2 on the freaking sides...

    And BTW my latest masterpiece at the local hair shop was a grant total of $22... last hair cut? 6 months before at least! *eek*

    And posing for animal crackers! BRILLIANT... Phuc'n brilliant... dude it was a long lonely drive them 75 miles each way on pancake flat Phuc'n roads in Michigan... after 6 years of this shit i had to start entertaining myself somehow...

    And - ya neglected to mention where you got your uber stylish plastic barber smock... Dude that Rocks!

    Oh and maybe you can have Mbutterfly get a Sharpie and write in BIG numbers what each Phuc'n guard is sized!

  4. You miss out on the best part of gettin' a haircut. Some 20 year old single mother of 8 with seven different shades of yella on her head and 20 pounds of WalMart jewelry hangin off her sticken her boobs in your ear while yappin about how her boyfriend needs her to work more so he can pay to get his truck worked on so he can get it inspected so he can go look for a job diggin pools instead of watchin her cable tv all day.

    That is worth the $12.00 plus tip my friend.

  5. Gotta love it! I will be looking forward to the mesmerizing conclusion!

  6. Yeah. Straight blade. No foam. Lots o' skin tags...

  7. Solo you are a work of art. No one else has the stones to put something like this out there. Heck most of us hate the sound of our own voice, forget video. Like a train wreck, I wanted to look away but couldn't. For these reasons, I salute your self confidence, your frugality, your resourcefulness, and hereby nominate you for Budweiser's "Men of Genius" distinction.. Keep 'em coming Nega-coach.
    That said, you owe me 4 minutes of my life back also..
