Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blog Inactivity

Yeah, I know, sparse postings lately. Not much to write, unless of course I bore you with the details of my training. There aren't many of those either, just lots of miles, at least relative to a "normal" month. Sorry. I've been riding too much to stay connected to the outside world, so I don't have any wise-assed commentary either. Of course I've been keeping one half-closed eye on the goings on in the world of pro cycling, but as noted a few weeks ago, others seem to be doing a better job of providing insight than I would. All I can add today is that I hope some of the quotes we've been provided with in the online cycling "media" are either inaccurate or taken out of context, or else there are more bozos at the top of this sport than I thought.

Last night Wompatuck was pretty good, different crowd, it averaged 42.3 kph for the 52k so that is the fastest it's been this year, at least on the nights I was there. Nothing ever really got away, but I made some efforts that I was happy with. I'm trying to keep the build going for another week. Haven't been running at all; it might be time to table that for the summer, but we'll see. For anyone who is interested, I'm thinking of heading over to Big Blue tonight for a few repeats and/or a performance test. I'll be rolling out of the Garage Mahal around 6 pm so drop me a line at jellysidedown at if you want to participate. Thanks for reading.


  1. Hey do you or the chronoman know the route for the old pemi valley RR, and better yet do you remember what the route was for the Manchester RR?

  2. The old Manchester RR was basically the same as Bow. To get to the start you go to exit 7 just north of Manchester, then proceed up 3a? to a left turn that comes to the school.

    The race headed up that road, then went left up a hill that takes you to the Bow course. The Bow layout has changed over the years too, but Manchester went against the current course, then went left at the bottom of the hill, following the old (no longer used) part of the Bow course. This loop eventually worked its way over into Weare, where there was another loop with a big climb. It then came back on the same road you went out on, and this comes out right on the big climb in the current Bow course. You then followed in the direction Bow goes, but veered off at the fork and went back to the school toward Manchester. Got it?

    Pemi was much simpler. You go up Tripoli Road (7 mile dirt climb) which dumps you right into Waterville Valley. You then went out toward 93 on the main road (long pedal downhill) and then cut back over parrallel to 93 and the river on some other road. Pretty easy to figure it out with a map. We do a ride up there once a year or so.

  3. Here is Pemi Valley, as I remember it:

  4. I'm so glad that your memory is still intact. Thanks for the links. I've found some other fun dirt roads up by Waterville, but didn't remember if Pemi went under 93 to rt 3, but it's cleared up now thanks.
