Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And ya hit the ground runnin'

Summer sure seems to have ended abruptly around here. Like many of the 'cross fiends, I laced up the Saucony's yesterday and did a jog around the neighborhood. It's been nine weeks since I ran, and really more like twelve because back in June I had just jumped into the local 5-miler running on residual fitness.

Now I've got to look at the fall schedule. I'd like to work in a few duathlons in addition to the Pinnacle Challenge, but I don't see Eliot on the schedule this year. I guess that doesn't matter if you're focused on the process and not the results. That was a different post that never got written, but a few of the linkees from here touched on it a few weeks back. My results this year were pretty lackluster, yet the process went well and I felt my fitness got where I wanted it to be. Missing Monson due to car trouble, and then having the final stage of the WMSR canceled took away opportunities that were supposed to be "A" races. The other races during my summer peak were ridden with a different focus, working for the team. As has happened in the past, some of my best efforts were left out on the road in training races... Again, if I'm (properly) focused on the process, I guess that should not matter. My number one goal is to still be doing this shit and having fun with it when I'm 60, and beyond. Everything this year was consistent with that goal.

That all said, last weekend was an eye-opener. My performance at Stillwater was a big bummer. While I was there, I also got a good and scary look at myself in the hotel mirror. You know, the ones in the bathroom that cover the whole wall. I guess my mirrors at home aren't low enough to see what my mid-section really looks like. I did not see an athlete. I had a flashback to a business trip seven or eight years ago, when I had been away from serious training for a few years and was at my physical low point, and my weight at its high point (207). The beast in the mirror scared the shit out of me. This time was not nearly as bad, but I did realize I haven't been trying hard enough. At this point in the season I should be as lean as I can be, and I'm not. So that's a new focus for the fall too. Thanks for reading.


  1. Is that Pinnacle trail run course that hard or is it slow just because of where it happens in the race? This looks like a good event.

  2. Rich - The first run is 5 miles. Starts on lumpy ankle breaker grass, then hits a rail trail, kinda soft. Then it goes on pavement the rest of the way, with one small climb.

    The trail run is basically the same as the mountain bike course, except that it takes a short cut over the summit of the hill. It is about 400 feet elevation gain, total, I think. You start out running up the ski jump, and then it just keeps going. I was reduced to walking here and there, as were most people. Then you start coming down, and it's just one foot in front of the other as fast as you can go, and hope you don't trip on a root and faceplant.

    It is a very cool event. There is a significant climb in the road bike portion too. The MTB was moderately technical, almost all single track or double track, just up the hill and back down. You should try it.

  3. Sounds like a party... if I can get my shit together in time, I'll probably go. I don't think there are any compelling cross races that weekend either so the timing works. Thanks.
