Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Big Dilemma

My LMT and I normally don't converse too much when I'm getting a massage. I prefer to keep quiet, trying to totally zone out and let my muscles relax as far into a state of workability as possible. Putting everything else aside for an hour every couple of weeks shouldn't be too much to ask, and I have a hard time doing it on my own when just stretching. Once in a while though, we slip into conversation, usually about bike racing or something related.

Last week, I was lamenting about how I'd got a few new kits from my team (because I didn't have enough already), and for some reason I'd taken size L bibs, instead of XL.

"You wear XL?" she asked.

Well, yeah, my legs are too big to fit into larges.

"You don't have big legs."


I don't? WTF, I always did? Well, at least they're too big to fit into Verge Large shorts...

I consoled myself by thinking that well, she has worked as a soigneur for a few domestic pro teams that had track sprinters on their rosters. Yeah, that must be it. It' all relative. Or is it? Maybe my bulging quads of days gone by have gone bye-bye. Buh - bye. Getting old is bad enough without having years of mileage evaporate away into geriatric atrophy. Even worse, this means that even though my body weight is relatively stable, the composition is going down hill too. No wonder I'm so fucking slow. More shit to think about this winter. All the in-style coaches say that old masters need to hit the weight room to stave off aging. It's been a few years for me, I admit. Running and cross training just seems much more enjoyable and directly transferable to what I want to do. The recovery time from strength training always kicks my ass, but of course just like running, once you get used to it, it's not so bad. Pass the D-ball... Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. n cycling you're certainly an XL. She needs to work on your typical 135-150# 5'8" cyclist before she comments that you don't have big legs.
