Monday, August 6, 2007

Nodcast 7 - Nega-Coach Goes to Concord

For higher quality viewing, download .mov file here. The audio is MUCH better with the QT version. Thanks for watching.


  1. Holy Crap. How can they ride around a corner with their elbows locked?

    It looked more like an NBW ride than a criterium.

    It looks like I can set you up for the buffet at Seekonk, starts at 6.

    Dad is looking into ticket, not looking too good.

  2. i like how the cameraMAN keeps cutting the top of your head off...

    like seriously... it's one thing to do it when filming yaself w/o viewfinder feedback...

  3. {gasp}

    Was that EDITING I saw in the beginning!??

    be still my beating heart...

  4. Gee Kerry, you sound older than you look. Almost husky, inna Kathleen Turner sort of way.

    Maybe not.

    Nice editing.

  5. I look 12, but I am in fact nearly 31.
    Although I always had an older sounding voice, ever since maybe high school.
