Tuesday, June 27, 2006

An Hour a Day

Immersed in the sport? Dedicated athlete? Pushing too hard?

I don't know, but averaging only an hour a day sounds to me like maybe I should shop around for some pink leggings and head on down to the local gym for a spin class. Granted, this does not include the thirty hours of so of running I've done this year. Still, though, it makes you wonder, wouldn't anyone have enough time to train?

The answer, of course, is no. And yes. Of course. Having the physical ability to train is one thing. Do the training and get stronger. Having the capacity to train is quite another. How much of this shit will your life hold? The graph doesn't show the time getting ready, or vegetating, lifeless on the floor post-ride, unable to perform the simplest of household chores. Life happens.

Why mention this today? I'm scheduled for a big block of riding this week, my last before a taper into the Workingman's Stage Race, which by the way, is ON, thanks to the successful arguing of our case before the South Hampton, NH selectperson's board by our crack legal counsel. No, that is not made up; as the bad boys of New England cycling, Team BOB do in fact retain an attorney. He's a good rider and a super nice guy too, and I'm not sure we'd exist without him. Thanks Roger for pulling this one off. So anyway, I am wailed from 26 hours of training in the past 14 days, and I'm not sure how I'm going to pull off another big week in the face of work and rain. I am up against the capacity of my life for training. A sick day is really tempting, but I don't think I can resort to that. I'll just have to find a way. Now where did I put those pink leggings? Thanks for reading.

Click for larger image. Zoom with Firefox and the text will be clear.


  1. so does the week include a jaunt down to Rohoboth again?


    the sound of an Insight's horn...


  2. (oh and for the record that's what the word verification was)

    An hour a day... not so bad... i should be able to hit that by moving a tick or two farther away... Props to bike commuting man... its a great way to get those miles in... get that messenger mentality and fight the good fight! (that and it'll get ya more time on the bike)

    (this one isn't nearly as good: bdmtbwz)

  3. Do you basically take every few weeks really easy? Just trying to figure out how you're doing your hours.
