Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Been caught stealin'

Twice. Last night my plan was to be on the bike by 6:30, and get in two hours before dark. After taking a few minutes to lube my squeaky chain, and finally install a speed sensor on the MBK, I rolled out the driveway at 6:49. At first I thought I'd need to cut the ride short, but the summertime sunset came through for me. My ride took me down to the Silver City Flyer crit course for some short intervals. The Myles Standish Industrial Park has wide, flat roads with long uninterupted runs, and the place is pretty quiet in the evenings. I did an assortment of 1, 2, and 3 minute efforts, pretty much interspersed with equal recovery. I felt OK, and got some good speed, 41-46 kph on the flats, but my HR was not elevating too much. I'm still tired from the weekend.

At 8:30, the dwindling daylight was still good enough for me to extend my route a bit, getting in the full two hours without riding in complete darkness. Summer evenings are so sweet. The traffic was gone, the air was cool, the breeze was comfy. Of course, being wound up a bit from the ride, I was still awake for the 11 o'clock news, seeing the forecast for rain today. They said the morning would be OK, so after five or six hours sleep, I dragged my ass out of bed and was out the door again at 7 am. This ride was just a gentle spin, but I was able to stay out there for an hour and fifteen minutes before coming in and getting cleaned up for a day of telecommuting. Not long after firing up my VPN connection, the skies broke and the rain fell. I had stolen another training ride. Woo-hoo!

Tonight I'll need to glue on a tire if I want to ride the TT bike tommorow. I will head down one way or the other, as I could always ride it cannibal. Hopefully the weather will be OK.

We had a lively discussion about the disparity in prizes between the Pro men and elite women over on GeWilli's blog yesterday. It got me to thinking, even though I know the Feds are the ones who should be doing this, a good website project would be to compile a database of all the race flyers in the country, so that promoters or other interested parties could see what else was out there. I wonder if there is such a thing already.

What else? Hmmmm, I know there was something. I checked out the hit logs, and was not able to identify who all the readers were. Who is using I don't know who is either? Most of the others I could figure out, either by just looking, or matching up the timestamps with the comments. There were a lot more than I thought there would be. Yeah, I know, I should get a life.

I know there was something else, but damned if I can think of it now. Tommorow Fitchburg starts. No, I'm not doing it. I'll be in the feedzone for KL on Saturday. The Cronoman has a Trek/VW popup tent, so maybe we'll be under that. I dug out my old Fitchburg pictures from 92. The only scanner I have is SCSI and I've never got around to making it work on this box, but if I can remember, I'll get some of them ready tommorow or Friday. Thanks for reading, and keep it in the big ring. It's almost friggin' July, now is the time!


  1. LOL, didn't think KL was gonna race Fitchburg, especially after her "why not to race fitchburg" list.

  2. Not race FSR? I freaking OWN that race...I mean, there are not too many people that show there that can say that they have won it. And let me tell you, win that race and every year you come back and Rich Fries will announce you as "Former Winner of this race..." every time you ride by the announcers stage or cross the finish line. To line up at that race knowing what it feels like to be in the jersey, to get the call up, to stand on the podium, to have won on the mountain...there is nothing quite like it. I can go back there ever year content that I met a goal most people can only dream about.

    No, that list was mainly for everyone else that I had spoken with in the past few weeks.

