Friday, June 2, 2006

Dancin' Barefoot

Booked it out of work yesterday to try and get over to Blue Hills for a short hard ride with some repeats on the big hill. A rest day would have been fine, but with heavy rains forecast, I figured no rain, go train. Thunderstorms were looming on the horizon, but it looked like I should be able to squeak in an hour or so. I changed into my shorts before leaving work, and raced over to the museum parking lot. The air was already thick with humidity as I prepped my bike. F*&%$#! No shoes. Ugggghhh!

What a waste of time. Got in the car and headed home, which was also the same direction the dark clouds were coming from. When I got there, the house was warm and muggy inside, but outdoors was the awesome cool, electric air that comes through right before the storm. With thunder rumbling in the distance, I sprinted out for a few laps around a nearby neighborhood. Well, even with my rose-colored lenses, the sky was not inviting and within seconds it was dark. I got in a whopping 12 minutes before the rain started. Oh well. It was so dark it was dangerous anyway, so I headed in and finished up with a spin on the trainer. Don't forget your shoes!


  1. Try running the stairs in your house next time that happens, I used to (during my running-racing) days, run the stairs in my house on severe storm days. A little light'n just makes you run faster...

    PS - Have you had the famous "run Forest run" yet?...from some punk in his chevy?
