Thursday, November 9, 2006

More CX Nostalgia

This is the Old Colony Memorial sports page from December 17, 1992. Maybe this would have been more appropriate for next week, as the race which is covered is the Plymouth CX running next Sunday. The top photo features none other than Curley, resplendent in his champ's jersey and Bolle Adam Ant glasses, Mike Barrett, and Tom Stevens. Then we have Kathi Riggert going over the hurdles, followed by Solobreak sipping water after breaking his frame in the famous Oak Tree Incident, and Markie Mark riding unattached. If you click the photo it will take you to a higher res version, and if you zoom in with an image editor you should be able to read the text. Thanks for reading.


  1. shoot - now i got 'riders in the storm' freaking blaring in my head...

    doom de doom doom doom riders in the storm

  2. That can't be Paul. That rider is not using wheel covers.

    MBRC. I wonder where Chuch Harris is now. Still Reno?

    il B

  3. actually, I like the rad hockey graphic.
