Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The you've got to be shittin' me department

Last night reported that United States Anti-Doping Agency has reached an agreement with multi-doping violation "athlete" Genevieve Jeanson to overturn her "lifetime" ban and once again let the Canadian (kicked out of her native cycling organization for being a doper) race under the colors of the good ole U.S. of A. If there was ever a shred of evidence that USADA and USA Cycling were serious about curtailing doping amongst athletes, that is long gone now. "Give me your tired, your poor, your doped to the gills..."


  1. that's straight up fucked...

    but then she is cute at least sort of...

    maybe the US Doper Association needs some sex appeal...

    sex sells right? thats why woman's sports are so popular... cause who doesn't want to see a strong fit woman...

    so what if they are doped to the gills - its SEXY...


    again that's flat out fucked up...

  2. CUTE?!?

    She has an unusually large jaw and size 43 feet. She is 5'5" tall and 105lbs.

    She's cute if what you find sexy is an animatronic coat rack. Other than that, she's a fucking freakshow.

  3. hmm, she does it for me, then again I'm not very picky
