Tuesday, November 28, 2006

When you hear me moaning and groaning

Here is a must read link. We should all be very grateful to KL for sending me this:

Masters Athlete Physiology and Performance

This is a scientific training site, focused on non-beginner masters, that isn't trying to sell you something, and although research based, is written in plain language and without all the latest buzzwords. Excellent information throughout, but be sure to check the main "Exercise Physiology" link and the running link. If you're training your ass off and it doesn't seem to be working, you might find some clues in here as to why.

I'm sure you also read the Vaughter's interview on cyclingnews. When this guy was racing, and all we had to go one were media snippets, and when he was a commentator on OLN, I found him hard to like. However, this quote just about says it all for me:

"I have never met one professional cyclist that wanted to dope. At least at the start of their careers. Not one."

Amen brother. We all get into this sport to get fit and be healthy. I know lots of us used the sport to get the hell away from recreational drugs and rockstar partying. So how is it that the best of the best, the most elite cyclists, the ones who train the hardest and take the best care of themselves end up using IV drugs and other unnatural shit? Thanks for reading.


  1. There's a lot of good quotes in that article: "If you say to an athlete, 'you must win today or else', the clever cyclist will make sure he wins, but the way it's done may not be so healthy for the sport or his body."

  2. oh, and thanks for the MAPP link, looks like I now have something to do during work today.

  3. zoo you are too young to be a master... and almost by argument/example a beginner...

    which would doubly exclude you from FnF's examples :-p

    stick with your wonder dude with the reduced carb diet ;-)

  4. Actually, the MAPP link has a very, very interesting evaluation of strength training and what it means to an endurance athlete, specifically how building big muscles will slow you down. Zoo, make sure you read that part.

  5. I'm not trying to build big muscles, I'm simply attempting to become functionally strong. But yes, I saw that article and it's on my list of things to read today.

    And GeWilli, I know I'm not a master, but then again the only reason why I joined BOB in the first place was to learn from all the masters on the team

  6. I don't know why I even try to respond to you anymore GeWilli, enough is enough.

  7. ya see Zoo...

    ya got this big button on your forehead...

    and its blinking PUSH ME

    and well

    blinking lights have a certain attraction for me (might be all the sitting in the dark in front of microscopes)

    and i just.... PUSH...

  8. MIF claims no responsibility for the utter breakdown of G.

    MIF's gonna cut out all his heavy lifting and roid use.

  9. I just have to have my roid cut out...

  10. Zoozie needs more coconuts in his diet.

  11. It's like a gay-asian-nambla-bukkake thingy.

  12. leave it to brucie to take it that direction...

    and MIF... its ALL your fault ;)


    not really...

    its zoozieQ hisself he's like the batting practice pitcher for Barry Bonds at home... lobbing Homers out to the waiting floatilla of kayaks is far to easy...

  13. Hey, I got 10 years at State U that says I am a bachler of englush.

    Still not the type of coconuts I was thinking about for Zoo but you guys know him better than I do.

    il B
