Tuesday, December 5, 2006

130 days

Until the 2007 Battenkill-Roubaix.


  1. OMFG - i gotta do this race this year...


    does the field usually fill quickly?

  2. I believe it filled up pretty quickly last year

  3. Well, choosing a race category isn't exactly a life choice... but it's nice to have them.

    The 30+ will be A LOT harder than the 4's. But if you do the 4's you can race with Zoo... There are a few hills that will break up the field quite early on, but then one long flat stretch where it could regroup. Then there is a long stretch of dirt that is like a sine wave... more big hills, then another flattish paved stretch, then a long assed dirt grinder leading to an epic classic style finish with a sprint into the town center.

    This year the weather was excellent. I loved this course, but I got fucking shelled. I'm going back anyway because they were nice people, and the area offers some of the best riding I've ever done. Ge, you can be a tough guy and just bring your 50x23.

  4. I'll stick with my 45-25... and if i'm gonna get shelled i might as well get shelled out of a group of good guys...

    although maybe i should stick with the 4s... instead of the old folks... starting 5 minutes behind FnF and that crew could be motivation enough to turn that 55 over on the down hills and flats

  5. I got caught and passed by several fields, as well as a paperboy with crankarm hitting the kickstand every revolution, yet still finished 35/58.

  6. 30+ is 55 miles- 1/2 is 75 miles? How hard is it Solo?

  7. All the gory details, including an elevation profile and my fresh memories are still available in my April archives. I have no idea what the added 20 miles for the 1-2 consists of, that is new this year. The 55 miles was hard enough for me. There are no mountains, just lots of significant hills. Definetly harder than races like Sunapee, Turtle Pond, and Monson. Similar to Hoosatonic Hills in difficulty, I'd guess.

  8. Sounds like 30+ would be the way to go for me. Esp based on how I ride in the early part of the season....

  9. SB, link me to that elevation profile, can't find it in the archives.

  10. Hmmm...

    GeWilli thinking 30+ would be better... it would mean many more people riding behind him to ride with when he gets dropped from the main group...

    GeWilli was also thinking about climbing hills last night...

    Thinking how fucking slow he was on the tiny riser at Bob Beal... but then he thought more about the climb up Big Blue... noting fitness improvements...

    maybe gewilli can hang up the first few risers...

    GeWilli is definately excited about the Battenkill roubaix...

    GeWilli thinking he needs a baby sitter and only take wife, find B&B and relax... bribe in-laws to come up for the weekend...

    GeWilli is commenting 'cause gewilli don't wanna post right now

  11. hmmm there were 2600 feet of climbing at Lowell in that race or so the GPS said IIRC...

    only 3,000 feet or so of climbing? Pfaw


    ah to be able to race cross just a month or two longer... carry into the spring 'classic' season...

    take the summer season as the off season (family outdoor time and what not) wind it back up in August/september and repeat...

    cross skews the season up relative to the 'sane' folks just focusing on the road

  12. 2600 feet of climbing at Lowell? Uhhh, no. Maybe 260. 7 laps, and if they're were 100 feet per lap I'd be surprised. You must have had the thing on for the drive up or something.
