Friday, December 29, 2006


The first nodcast was a partial success. Yesterday it got over 100 views, and that was after filtering out my work and home domains, as well as those of my closest associates. These are being created as avis with an obsolete codec, but google video is converting them to swf files, so they should play in any browser with a Flash/Shockwave plugin. I'm not sure why some of you are having trouble. You can also try going to the Google video player download and installing it, and then try accessing the file directly from google video at this link.

My training this week has not gone so great. Sunday we did our "long" run, but since I skipped my tempo run last week, the two were combined and we kept it to 9.6 miles while trying to maintain the target pace for a change. It ended up being 7:40 miles, and my average HR was 154, right in the middle of zone 4. This isn't too far off of the target pace set on my FIRST training plan, but at this point the target half-marathon pace of 6:57/mile that this plan derives from my 10K PR of 40:26 seems totally unrealistic.

Monday and Tuesday were workout free. Wednesday I headed to the high school track with six 800 meter repeats on tap. It was cold and windy, and I didn't even get close to my target of 2:57. I was only making it around in 3:12-3:15, and I cut it short after five efforts. I may have been closer to my goal pace than I thought at first, because my Timex GPS was actually sensitive enough to record the laps I did in the second lane as .53 miles, as opposed to the one effort I stayed on the inside, which came to .48 miles and was my quickest at 3:08. Funny how running a longer distance results in a slower time... This is a pretty crappy track and the inside lane is a little chewed up behind the football benches and in the turns, which is why I ran in the longer second lane.

This morning will be a tempo run. I've been off the bike this week, save for twenty minutes on the trainer last night. Since Blue Hills is closed to mountain bikes from Jan 1 to April 15, I might head over there tomorrow for the last legal blast of the season. Thanks for reading.


  1. I hope you threw in "arch" just for me.

    Why is it a mirror image?

    Happy New Year MoFo.

    il Bruce

  2. Or, just wear the pocket protector and get it over with.

  3. I propose costumes to encourage your script and validate your message, for example if you had udders during your 'pocket' protector showing of the 32 oz SF brand, I would have believed your message, but I was also lost in the mirror image...I have a bullocks amount of 32oz planet protector cups if you want more for your shelves, sweet keepsake though, encore....
